Résumé Dos and Don’ts

Let’s explore common résumé mistakes and how to steer clear of them: Résumé Dos and Don’ts

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  1. Including a Resume Objective: Traditionally, résumés began with an objective statement. However, modern practice favors a professional summary at the top. Use this section to highlight your unique qualifications and demonstrate how you can benefit the organization as a new employee. If you’re a recent graduate or changing careers, you can still include career objectives in your summary, but tie them directly to the job and company you’re applying to.
  2. Describing Unrelated Work Experience: Tailor your résumé to the specific position you’re targeting. Focus on relevant experience that showcases your skills. If you’re transitioning to a different industry, emphasize transferrable skills rather than unrelated job responsibilities. For instance, if you’re applying for a customer service role but have cashier experience, explain how your interactions with customers in that role are applicable1.
  3. Providing Few Details: Be thorough when describing your work experience. Aim for five bullet points for your current or most recent job and three for others. Use action verbs to start each point, followed by the impact or result of your actions. Quantitative data (percentages, dollar amounts) adds depth to your experience section.
  4. Spelling and Grammar Errors: Proofread your résumé meticulously. Typos and grammatical mistakes can create a negative impression. Double-check, triple-check, and then check again to ensure accuracy.
  5. Not Tailoring Your Résumé: Avoid using a generic résumé for every job application. Customize it for each position by aligning your skills and achievements with the job requirements. Incorporate keywords from the job listing to increase visibility.
  6. Including References: Save references for later stages of the hiring process. They don’t belong on your résumé. Instead, create a separate reference sheet to provide when requested.
  7. Listing Job Duties Instead of Accomplishments: Rather than merely listing responsibilities, emphasize your achievements. Use quantifiable results to demonstrate your impact. For example, mention how you increased sales by 20% or streamlined processes to save time and resources.
  8. Including a Photo of Yourself: In most cases, it’s unnecessary to include a photo on your résumé. Focus on your qualifications and let your skills speak for themselves.

Remember, your résumé is your first impression with potential employers. Avoid these pitfalls, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a compelling résumé that stands out! Résumé Dos and Don’ts

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